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Bardic Salon - Come join us for an all day bardic salon hosted by Baroness Nezhka.  Bring a piece you would like feedback on and come share it with fellow bards.  This will be a change for poets, songwriters, and performers to get in-depth feedback and constructive conversation about their work.  If you do not have a piece to share, come listen and join the discussion.  A separate room will be provided for the activity to increase the listening pleasure.

Bardic Concert - After the salon we will hold a bardic concert for Their Majesties and the assembled populace.  This will take place in the hour immediately before court while dessert is being served.

Love Poem Challenge - Bring a love poem for display.  No documentation required. All entries will get a token of love.  If you can not make it to the event, you can email your poem to Paganus at

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