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A Princely Tale

The Hero from the coastal shore to claim what fates foretold,

With lady fare, would face the field, of twelve combatants bold;

Upon the first a victory, but then our Hero stall,

As second round the Duke of fame did cause a mighty fall;

Though course did change a path still lay if Hero thrice prevail,

One lord complete, the dance repeat, all three he would assail;

Though glory found in battles won, his journey not complete,

The Duke of fame who stuck him down, was still upon his feet.

“A best of five to win the day”, the noble King declare,

The Hero from the coastal shore and Duke of Fame prepare;

With grace and honor they solute; a polearm bout confirmed

The crowd attend to every blow, till hero’s point affirmed;

In second bout the men drew swords of great and heavy size,

The crowd did cheer as fate reveal, when hero took the prize;

In number three the tide did turn when Duke did win the bout,

And like prevail in number four to demonstrate his stout.

Then final round, the final bout, but one can be the prince;

The crowd affixed to what in store, a year it had been since.

No sound was heard, no breath was had, till marshal heeds lay on,

Then crashing of the sword and shield, the Kingdom looked upon

As fatal blow did land on Duke, as hero beats his guard;

The crowd erupts with joy and cheer unto our Prince Eckehard.

So now you know the tale of how the journey came to be,

How Hero from the coastal shore, came Prince to you and me.

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