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Of Thoughts and Things


What makes a thought a thing, and a thing no thought at all;       

Why do some rise as butterflies while others tend to fall?             

Is muzzling the mouth, a voice who gets to sing?               

Or loudest lout that yells and shouts declaring thing’s a thing!


If we suppose the clothes, have roses in the mouth,

By nose and toes no one oppose them from the north and south;

Should we declare the hair, by length a noble trait,

Or fly a flare of pain despair that cause a weary fate?


Perhaps we could employ, more joy in peril state,

To pick a path that only praises positively great;

And purposely attend, a thought that came from grace,

And glorify a tenderness, rage to be replaced.


For when a thoughtful thought, has been thought of in care,

It comes a thing that all do sing and sorrows aught beware;

For thoughtful thoughts can be, surprising when released,

So find a thing and make good thoughts, speak them to increase.

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