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During my tenure as the Baron of Marinus, I attended most royal progress events with a great court. This collection of events included all Coronations, Crown tournaments, War of the Wings, 12th Nights, and many, many more.  At each of these events, I wrote a unique processional that was topical for the setting, incorporated events that took place that day, was appropriate to our reign as baronage, and was done in a period poetic style. Most of these processionals were written on scrap pieces of paper or given to the herald.  Below are a few that I managed to hold on to. As a note, some processionals were written before the processional was canceled.  So if any look unfamiliar, it is because they were written for the occasion, but never performed. 

Processional of Sins at WoW 2023

Atlantia, take pride in the precedence paid before thee,

Their enemies gluten with envy,

So lustful in love, with the wrath of a dove,

They would sooner sloth then be unseemly.

So great people, all take heed;

To the baronage, filled with mead


Atlantian mountains rise

Until Apollo may rest upon them.

And her supple fields of wheat,

Can sustain an army of men.

But her pinnacle most prized,

Beneath her bright and brilliant skies,

Is her high and glorious seas,

And her warships on the breeze.

So behold, the Barony of Marinus,

The stewards, of the Kingdom's best

Coronation Ragnarr and Mary-Isabell

By tower graced in blue and white

The bells of glory chiming;

As blackened hammer takes the throne

A kingdom love undying;

From off the shores of Marinus

This call is well accepted,

Their Majesties shall never dread,

Their bay and swamp protected.

Final Court of Afshin and Yasmin

The emerald waves have come ashore

Beneath the eastern flower;

From rising on the mountain tops,

To quelling northern tower.

And so this celebration day,

Where silk has come to settle;

Sandy shores salute the moon,

And praise the ivory petal.

Missing Delecta

As yearning thorn, without a rose;

Or supple day without a dawn,

Baron Paganus comes before

As Delecta, stays behind.

So if the Crown forgives her plea,

In witness of his longing,

The brightest dawn will shine in May,

Beside the field, most calling.

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