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Through Dark Days


Dark days had come to block the sun,

We stumbled round the night;

Our dearest friends were all but gone,

They nearly lost from sight;

As though they turned to snowy swan,

And bound the air till day was dawn,

No comfort could we draw upon,

I miss my life with you.


To rectify my missing lot

Within the home I look;

And there I find not what I sought,

Instead a fated book;

The page intrigues me with its plot,

And lessons there are truly taught,

Far greater than I ever thought,

I’ll spend my time with you.


The first fine page came from afar

By man who rarely spoke;

But wrote with skill, I knew no par,

His words in me awoke

A thirst to read like old vicar,

From common verse, to thee bizarre,

How night became a sea of star,

I owe my spark to you.


With hunger I kept reading more

And found a lady true;

She opened up a magic door

And let me walk on through.

She introduced me to the core,

And every week we would explore,

The wonders of a world adored,

I owe my start to you.


Then turn the page and there I see

A man of skill and class;

Whose understanding how we see

To write, is unsurpassed;

The lessons that I learned from he,

As doth a seed, becomes a tree,

And deeper than the open sea,

I owe my skill to you.


Then page by page did more appear

The lessons to recall;

A Lady who could paint so clear,

Her imagery enthrall;

And southern bell, from Odin’s ear,

Each subtle sound she’s bound to hear,

And Irish lass, who comes to cheer;

I owe my style to you.


Then night began to slowly fade

About the first of May;

I ventured to the open glade,

To see who’d cast the grey;

And there beheld my hero’s made,

No words have ever true conveyed,

How in the darkness they did aid,

I owe my soul to you.

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