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Below are some of my original poetic works.  The listing is in rough chronological order with the newest work first. Each title is a link to either a pdf or an internal webpage with the full poem and any applicable documentation. I hope you enjoy.

The Chariot of Gold - Written for Crown Tourney, Fall 2023,in 5th c. BCE Greek meter. This piece won the Gulf Wars Champion compitition.

Kala - Written for Coronation, October 2023. A Byzantine love poem. Full documentation


Seasons - Written for WoW 2022, Sheen of Silver compitition. Allegory of Ukraine war.

Steel Cranes - Written for Poeta Atlantiae Competition, Ruby Joust 2022. A 15x15 poetic grid.

Hail Athena - Written for Ela's persona challenge, Ruby 2022, in Byzantine political meter

Royal Bardic Competition - Three pieces in classical Greek meters, full documentation included

The Hourglass - A Shakespearean sonnet

Beneath the Tower - Grecian poem in iambic trimeter

Through Darkest Days - My homage to several Atlantian poets

Of Thoughts and Things - A bouncing alliterative poem


A Fool's Tale - A light, fun story about a fool with ambition.

A Heart on Trial - A love poem in 7-line ballade meter

Fireside Mourn - A translation from Oedipus at Colonus. Written for the memorial ship burning 2021.

A Homeric Journey in 12 Poems - A submission for the Drachenwald Arts Challenge, AS 56

The Perfect Drown - A love poem in Shakespearean sonnet meter. 


Demeter and Artemis - Written for Trial by Fire on10/2/21 for the poetry competition, with full documentation.  Written in ancient Greek iambic trimeter.

Why Paganus is Not on the Field Today - A ballad sung to TRM to the tune of Dear Boss

Of Bears and Spiders and The Storm’s End - These two poems were written for Poeta Atlantiae Competition in March 2021.  Full documentation is included. 

A Princely Tale - A tale of how HRM Eckehard won crown tourny, written for Bardic Wars 2021

A Knight on the Water - A ballad about a knight teaching his squire a lesson

The Baroness - Written for the Duke Gyrth Oldcastle Memorial Smackdown about my baroness

Little Bear - A children's story about a bear looking for a home

My Chariot of Verse - A poem about poetry

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